Saturday, March 26, 2011


Indeed there are people who doesn’t have much of a breeding and a simple statement meant a lot of bad things to them. I ain’t a hopeless case. I ain’t pathetic. It’s always you I feel sorry for. I’m glad I even read that and it doesn’t struck me however. It gave me a thought as to how pathetic those kinds of people are. I pity you, lady. I even pity you, gentleman. You two deserved each other and I on the other hand deserve only the best. Although I regret I ever knew you, but somehow I am proud of myself because I know for a fact that I left a mark in your life. I know that I taught you a lot of good things and shared with you a sensible togetherness. Passion wasn’t the case, we both have that and it was a good thing, even the best, but what you were lacking of was a grip. A grip in decisiveness and a grip of what you truly feel.  I can’t blame you however. I know how it feels like handling me. I know I’m a handful but giving up? It wasn’t something I thought  you are even capabale of doing. Well, so now it was in the past and I’ll even start digging up and burrying that tragic story. It’s not good for me nor will it be to those people who greatly value my endeavors. Things happen for a reason and whatever the reason for this phase in my life, I will soon figure out. I wouldn’t again waste my energy trying to console myself that you are still inlove with me. I wouldn’t do a thing that I thought is full of sense and a mature approach to people who have pea-sized  brains. I thought everybody’s like me. I thought everybody has a wide understanding and perspective like me. I’m sorry, my bad. I am only surrounded with those kinds of people. I am still on the winning stand because another rotten tomato was definitely out of my box. Cheers to a happy life! 

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