Monday, November 3, 2008


I will give to you my heart.
Will you take it?
Will u take care of it?
I will share with you my thoughts.
Will you read it?
Will you embrace it?
I will tell you I love you.
Will you believe me?
Or will you just shrug your shoulders and say nothing?
If I tell you I miss you,
Will u tell me you miss me too?
Or will you just roll over and sleep.

If I ask u…
Can you hold my hands?
So tight I can feel you gripping.
Can you feel my blood rushing?
And hear me aching?
Can you touch my chest?
And feel my heart beating.
Are you sure I am a nobody in your life?
Or I am just a friend you screw.
Is it me who is insensitive?
Or is it you who made me such?

Will u pray for me now that I need one?
Or will you rather ask me to drink my bottle up?
Will you protect me against lightning?
Or tease me a crybaby?
If I cry so hard that breathing is impossible,
Will you hug me and hush me ‘til I’m calm?
Or will you just let me cry and drink your beer up?

I’m hurt.
Because of what your actions mean to me.
I’m deeply wounded.
Because you made myself invisible 'round you.
I am silently crying.
Because I’m alone, I’m ashamed, I’m damaged, and I lose.
I need you to feel me
I need you to listen to me.
I need you here with me.
Not because we are drinking with peers.
I need you here with me
Because I want you to be a part of me.